In order to improve our service and shorten waiting times, we operate a Telephone Call Back and Effective Triage System.

 The GPs have instructed receptionists to ask you for a reason for your phone call. When you contact the surgery, please confirm your phone number and give the receptionist as much information as possible. This enables Doctors to prioritise phone calls based on urgency.

 All requests will be added to the Daily Triage List which opens each morning at 8:30am. We have a team of people working on the Daily Triage List including GPs, Locum Doctors, Student Doctors, Nurse Practitioners, Advanced Nurse Practitioners and Physician Associates.

 The benefit of this system is that you will be contacted on the same day by either a clinician or a member of the admin team to inform you of the outcome of your request, be that a face to face appointment on the same day or at a later date, or a scheduled phone call with a Doctor. 

The Daily Triage List is subject to capacity and once it is full it will be closed for the day. When this happens, we ask that patients phone back the next morning.

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